APSP 14-Point Platform

The 14-Point Working Platform of the African People’s Socialist Party, “What we  want – What we believe” was adopted at the First Congress of the African People’s  Socialist Party, September 6, 1981, 9 years after the Party’s founding.

The Party’s Platform, which appears in every issue of The Burning Spear  newspaper, provides a basic, on-the-ground understanding of the Party’s theory of  African Internationalism as it applies to the practical conditions facing African  workers inside the U.S. and around the world.

The first part of each point of the Platform defines our common goal: “What We Want” refers to what we are striving to achieve. The second part, “What We Believe” refers to our ideological understandings. Whenever objective conditions allow for it, the Party constantly seizes the opportunity to make points of the Platform manifest in concrete programs and campaigns. One example is the World Tribunal on Reparations to African People and the African National Reparations Organization, Party-created institutions that respond to Point 11 of the Working Platform of the Party.

By studying the 14 points of the Platform, every Party member and cadre is equipped to determine the Party’s position on almost every issue that plagues  African people everywhere.

A thorough knowledge of the 14 Points enables us to communicate the Party’s line to groups and individuals in presentations and street organizing or in leaflets and positions papers.

The 14 Points are the most basic and effective political education course for all who want to understand the theory and practice of African Internationalism and take  action in the organized movement to liberate Africa and African people everywhere.

This study is for everyone: contacts, mass organization members and rank and file Party organizers, as well as for our allies fighting for national liberation or standing  in solidarity with our struggle for African liberation.

The study and review of the 14 Points is essential for all veterans and leaders of the  Party and always produces many new understandings and political clarity.

The African People’s Socialist Party urges every leader, cadre and rank and file  member to memorize the 14 Points, internalize its understandings and use it daily as we organize thousands and thousands of Africans to take up the struggle to liberate our Africa and our people!